Welcome to my blog! If you're here to read a film review, then you are in the right place! I've always been a film fanatic and telling others what I know and love about film is something that I love to do! Enjoy! -Keeley xoxo

Friday, April 11, 2014

Movie Review: Non-Stop

Non-Stop is a "see this if you want to" and here's why:

I love Liam Neeson.  I'm just going to put that out there to begin with.  I like his grit and his tenacity in this movie, and although it may not be the greatest script or the greatest directing you've ever seen, it is FUN.  The second you see him get on the plane, you know something dangerous is going to happen, and you will wait on the edge of your seat to find out what it is.

It all takes place in the span of a trans-atlantic flight, and you know that the clock is ticking from the start.  Julianne Moore remains suspicious throughout a good amount of the film and she does a great job making you guess what type of person she is.  In fact, everyone on the plane is suspicious until near the end, which makes it an amusing guessing game.  As the viewer, you get to enjoy and watch everything that is happening, and make predictions about who you think is the culprit of the hijacking.


Though some of it may seem like it's a bit "out there" and unrealistic (like downloading something on your phone in a minutes time while on an airplane), it is still enjoyable.  Technologically speaking, I am certain it's not accurate, but as someone who really doesn't care about that, I found it easy to overlook!

What I liked most about this movie was it's incredible suspense and it's ability to maintain that suspense until the very end.

If you are a Liam Neeson fan or a fan of "Taken," you will enjoy this movie.  It's not the greatest movie I have seen this year, but it is still a fun ride and worth your time.

Rating: **1/2/ 5 stars

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